All  about  WC's  would-be  A350  Westbury  BA13  Bypass    
  ...  on  the  wrong  side,  routing  the  A350  through  the  wrong  area  ...  

... why an eastern bypass ...? ... why does Wiltshire Council want to build a new A350 through the best countryside ...?

Front Page
BS Floats in WC
Big Society: BS
Rotten to Core
Green Valley
Wrong Way
Spiralling Cost
Business Case
No to Funding
Pollution Risk
Threat to Best of Countryside
Walk the Route
Land Owners
Dim on Wildlife
Cement Works
Why East...?
Choked Town
Ignored Report
West Solutions for Westbury
Our Railway
Forty Acres
Flop at Inquiry
Further Links

Here is a link to - the Google map of BA13 Wiltshire.

And, by selection on the Google map, to the satellite view of Westbury (Wilts).

See how the railway junctions, the station, the trading estates and also the A36 (the major road that the A350 eventually joins) are all to the west of Westbury.

Diverting the A350 over to the east seems barmy.   Was there another agenda?

The eastern A350 bypass scheme did not work as a whole, then became sillier.

Here is a diagram of part of the route of the now-defunct Eastern Bypass:

There would have been a deeper effect upon BA13 than that of a road alone.

The eastern bypass was routed through the middle of a UK Special Landscape.

Think about the strip of presently open land which would have been between the route of the eastern bypass and existing homes on that side of the town.

Bypasses at Hilperton, Melksham and Chippenham each have housing infill.

With planning permission, land value can typically increase by up to 100 times.

The possibility of a redesignation of farm-land for new houses and development as a consequence of the eastern Westbury bypass route is reasonably obvious.

Here is a summary of what a local councillor had written:  'My wife and I own 36 acres of land, which we are offering for housing.     There is a roundabout planned on our land as part of the Westbury Bypass.   This would open up clear easy access to the land...'    He was speaking frankly on the fact of the matter.

Here is an unbelievable proposal for Bratton and Edington.   Surely not?

But the eastern bypass route, as actually shown on council planning drawings, really was right on top of our Westbury Wellhead public drinking water source.

The Environment Agency had strongly objected.    It now seems unbelievable that such a clearly bad route should ever have been chosen in the first place.

Thankfully, planning permission for the defective scheme has been refused.

Cracked WC risks pollution of our water ...    next page >>